Records Of Employment

Records of Employment are completed whenever an employee terminates with the company whether permanently or just temporarily. There are several ways that these forms can be produced including:

  1. Multi-part preprinted continuous forms usually printed on an impact printer.
  2. One-part preprinted pages usually printed on a laser or inkjet printer.
  3. Original forms generated by the ROE Laser Print application available from Human Resources Development Canada.
The AERIS/400 Canadian Payroll can produce the Records of Employment in all of these forms. The continuous form and the laser pages now have the same format now. The Record of Employment functions put these forms on the print spool from where they can be directed to a suitable printer. A file is also prepared for the HRDC ROE Laser Print service. To use this service requires that the HRDC system be installed on the personal computer that you are using to access the AS/400 and that some added set up be done on that computer. This set up is detailed in HRDC ROE Laser Print Setup.

The Record of Employment is created from data in the Earnings History and the Termination attached to the Employee Assignment. See also Termination Entry.