| Procedure: PP0400S |
This is the last step in preparing the payroll automatically. Both Earnings and Deductions must already be posted before doing this. Only one automatic cheque is generated per run. Manual cheques can be in place during the automated run, but they will be left as they were set up. The generate scans both Earnings and Deductions. Earnings are summed up and Deductions are applied to come up with a net value for each automatic cheque. Cheque numbers are assigned during the generate.
An automatic cheque can have a preassigned cheque number. In this case the supporting Earnings and Deductions must already have been assigned the same cheque number. The generate functions is a regenerate at all times.
The Process
Before the set up even begins the Batch Register is scan looking for unposted batches. Since a single Batch Register is used for all payroll batches, both Earnings and Deductions are checked. If you are assembling payrolls for more than one period simultaneously the unposted batch message will be triggered by batches from other periods. Check the batches for this period carefully before overriding the message. The cheque batch itself, CHEQ, is included in this scan. If the Cheque Generate was started previously but not followed through to posting the cheque batch, CHEQ, will have a status of "B" which will trigger the unposted batch message.
It is recommended that you do a backup when you start the Cheque Generate.
Then you select the Department and Period to be processed. You are also asked for a Cheque Date.
Before the generate begins we remove all automatic cheque entries from the Cheque Assembly. Then the automatic cheques are generated again. Cheque numbers are not assigned by the generate.