The following information describes how to enter invoices into the Accounts Payable system.
When accessing Invoice Entry from the main menu, the following screen appears:
The following fields appear on this screen:
Supplier Number - If the number is on the Supplier Master list and can be used for input, the supplier name is displayed. Otherwise, an error message is displayed. To see a list of active suppliers, press the F4 key. To select an entry from this list, enter a Y in the selection column next to the desired supplier.
Invoice Number - The invoice number must be unique for the supplier. If it already exists as an Outstanding Invoice, a warning message is displayed. F10 overrides the concern and presents the invoice allowing you to make changes to it. The invoice can not be changed once its distributions have been released to the General Ledger. To see a list of invoices for this supplier, press F4. To select an entry from this list, enter a Y in the selection column next to the desired invoice.
Invoice Date - The effective date for the invoice. This governs the aging reports. It is also used to define the Due Date. It also controls when the distributions are applied to the General Ledger.
Invoice Amount - The total face value of the invoice. It is given in the currency of the invoice, which is not necessarily the same as the base units of the General Ledger.
Gst Type - The GST type that pertains to the invoice.
Invoice Type - A code to identify the particular invoice type. It can also define how the Due Date is calculated.
Canadian Amount - The amount of the invoice in Canadian dollars.
Currency Code - The code that pertains to the currency used on this invoice.
Purchase Order Number - The purchase order number for that invoice.
Reference - A short description of the purpose of the invoice.