Adjustment Entry
This function allows you to make adjustments to invoices.
When accessing Adjustments from the menu, the following screen appears:
The following fields appear during the Adjustment Entry Process:
- Supplier Group - If a record is found, the supplier name is displayed. Use the list function to access a list of available suppliers. If a incorrect supplier is entered, an error message appears that says ACCOUNT DOES NOT EXIST. If the supplier number is not known, use the Alpha Search to find it. Enter a Y to select the supplier from this list.
Data Entry
- Date Applied - The system automatically inserts a date that applies to the supplier's invoice.
- Adjustment Type - A code to identify the adjustment type. Generally, the type is A - Adjustment. Press F4 to access a list of valid adjustment types. The message INVALID ADJUSTMENT TYPE SELECTED will appear if anything else is entered.
- Invoice Number - Must be a registered invoice for this supplier. If not, the message INVOICE NOT FOUND will appear.
- Aged - The amount the invoice has aged by over a particular period of time.
- Balance - The current balance on the invoice.
Override Invoice
The following information describes how to override an invoice.
The following fields appear on this screen:
- Supplier Group - If a record is found, the supplier name is displayed. Use the list function to access a list of available suppliers. If a incorrect supplier is entered, an error message appears that says ACCOUNT DOES NOT EXIST. If the supplier number is not known, use the Alpha Search to find it. Enter a Y to select the supplier from this list.
- Invoice Number - It must be a registered invoice for this supplier. If not, the message INVOICE DOES NOT EXIST will appear.
- Invoice Type - A code to identify the invoice type. Generally, the type is I - Standard Invoice. The message INVALID INVOICE TYPE will appear if anything invalid is entered.
- Aging - Change the amount the invoice has aged by over a particular period of time.
- Invoice Date - The original date of the invoice.
- Due Date - The date the invoice is due by.
- Reference - Description of the Invoice.
- PO Number - Purchase Order Number for this Invoice.
Accept From Job Cost
This functions accepts a batch(es) of invoices from the Job Cost System.