Used for the definition of various codes used in system which are handled through a common code table mechanism.
This update is used to update any or all of the code table definitions.
- Enter the table ID and code.
- A screen will be displayed which prompts for entry of the description which is the long version of what the code means. The abbreviation which is the short version of what the code means and the report control which indicates that the tables is for use with reports indicates that the table is A for active or I for inactive.
- Upon entering F7 a message which indicates the job has been placed in the JOBQ appears. This means that the update is waiting to take place.
Note: The usual use of code tables in the General Ledger is to document the valid codes in each of the subsections of the Account number. These tables can then be used to enhance the readability of reports and extend the capabilities of the financial statements. These tables and their use defined below.