The alternative to entering batches manually is to have the sub-ledger applications generate them for you. The applications from which batches can be accepted are on a separate menu.
The general approach is to accept a batch of transactions in a standard format from a designated file for each application. The filename and sometimes the library are defined in the Company Definition. There are two variations on how the transactions are brought into the General Ledger. In the first case, all the transactions in the file are copied directly into a single batch in Assembly. As such they are all assigned to one period. In the second case, the file may contain transactions assigned by the subledger to more than one period. The file is appended to a hold area in the General Ledger. Then the Accept moves only the transactions in the hold area assigned to the selected period into the batch in Assembly. This approach makes it so one General Ledger batch can contain the transactions from several Releases from one or more subledgers.